Mining Operations @ Mining Guild
The mining guild has mining operations daily they mostly start just on the spur of the moment when enough members are online. But there are always planned Ops and you can check the calendar as to when they will be happening and what ship to bring.
As a general rule we like these ships for mining
Venture (Fast and slippery Miner)
Procurer (Tough Mining barge)
Exhummer (ALL of them if they are well tanked)
Fleet Ships
Orca (For Fleet mining boost)
Miasmos (Ore transport )
Step By Step of Mining OP
Step 1)
A scout will un-dock and search for a belt that meets the needs of the mining op.
This may be a belt, and mining site, or an ice belt.
Step 2)
The Scout will position itself in the center of the belt. The OC Op Commander / Orca pilot will un-dock and warp to the scout.
Step 3)
The OC once in position will start mining and adding other miners to the fleet. Giving them directions on who to warp to in fleet chat.
Step 4)
Miners will mine ore until the ore hold is full.
Step 6)
The Miners will jettison there ore
(Select all ore in hold Right Click and choose jettison)
Step 7) The miner will rename the cargo container there name
(right click in overview and choose set name)
Step 8) The Miner will type in fleet chat JET
Step 9) The OC will target the container once it is targeted the OC Will type Got it or Got it (name)
Step 10 The OC will pay the miner the appraised value of the ore once the container is opened and before moving it to an Orca hold.
REPEAT STEPS 4-10 until the belt is gone.
General Rules:
1) Stay at least 12km away from the Orca.
The Orca is very slow and mines with drones only so it needs close rocks to mine.
2) Cherry picking other miners rocks is not good.
cherry picking is understandable mine the most expensive or valuable ore first.
3) The OC is in charge of the fleet they will tell where in the belt to put your ship.
4) EVERYONE is to keep an eye on LOCAL chat for gankers the OC is often busy pulling containers and adjusting drones. ((( If there is a minor threat then tell everyone in fleet)))
((( If you notice a major threat say WARP WARP WARP in fleet ))) and then warp your ship to a safe spot or to a station.